EAST LOS ANGELES, Calif. – The W.M. Keck Foundation has awarded a $150,000 grant to the Hope through Housing Foundation to help operate Hope’s Family Opportunity Center at the Alta Vista affordable housing development in East Los Angeles.
Through an innovative partnership with the East Los Angeles Community Corporation (ELACC), these funds will be used to provide the resources and support to help families and individuals achieve economic mobility.
“Research demonstrates that the path to economic improvement and financial stability for low-income families is through motivation, education, goal setting and support,” said George Searcy, Executive Director of the Rancho Cucamonga-based Hope through Housing Foundation.
Maria Cabildo, President of the East LA Community Corporation, added, “We are extremely grateful to the Keck Foundation for its commitment to this initiative and our broader mission of transforming lives and communities.”
Alta Vista, a 60-unit transit-oriented development at 5051 E. Third St., has received national acclaim since it opened last year for its integration of affordable housing, workforce opportunities and, ultimately, economic advancement. In addition to housing a Family Opportunity Center, the development features 12 ground-floor live-work units and is located next to a Gold Line commuter stop.
In late 2013, Alta Vista was named the best new workforce housing project by the National Association of Home Builders.
The W.M. Keck Foundation was established in 1954 in Los Angeles by William Myron Keck, founder of the Superior Oil Company. Among the organizations it supports are those that “enrich the lives of our region’s residents, particularly children, youth and their families.”
“We’re proud to be included in that group, and see this as powerful validation of the value of our Family Opportunity Centers,” said Searcy.
The one-stop centers allow families and individuals to work with financial coaches to set and achieve short-term and long-term economic goals. They are also linked to appropriate service providers to remove any barrier on the path to financial stability.
Hope through Housing is the social services affiliate of National Community Renaissance, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit developers of affordable housing. National CORE manages nearly 9,000 housing units across four states. During the past 20 years, Hope through Housing has provided more than 2 million hours of aligned social services for CORE residents and surrounding neighborhoods.
CONTACT: Steve Lambert, The 20/20 Network
(909) 841-7527