MONTCLAIR, Calif. – The Hope through Housing Foundation and National Community Renaissance (CORE) have been awarded $50,000 in grants and funding from JP Morgan Chase to further the organizations’ efforts in transforming lives and communities.

For the second year in a row, Chase has awarded a $40,000 grant to help operate Hope’s Family Opportunity Center in Montclair. Another $10,000 was awarded as part of Hope and CORE’s 2015 fundraising gala.

“We are extremely grateful for Chase’s ongoing commitment to our organizations and to the Family Opportunity Center,” said Steve PonTell, President and CEO of Rancho Cucamonga-based National CORE. “These kinds of projects demonstrate how the path to financial stability is through education, goal setting and professional support.”

The Family Opportunity Center is a one-stop system that allows families and individuals to work with financial coaches to set and achieve short-term and long-term economic goals. They are also linked to appropriate service providers to remove any barrier on the path to financial stability.

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About National CORE

National Community Renaissance, based in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit developers of affordable housing. CORE manages nearly 9,000 affordable, senior and market-rate units in California, Arkansas, Texas and Florida. Over the past two decades, its Hope through Housing subsidiary has provided more than 2 million hours in supportive services to enhance quality of life, including preschool, afterschool, senior wellness and upward mobility programs. For more information on both organizations, please visit or follow us on Facebook at

Contact: Steve Lambert, The 20/20 Network
(909) 841-7527/

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