Meet Olufemi and Sebastian, two remarkable young adults whose lives have been profoundly impacted by the compassionate mission of National CORE and Hope through Housing – an endeavor dedicated to providing stable, affordable homes and vital resident services.
In her younger years, Olufemi navigated through a childhood shadowed by financial struggles that often eluded her full comprehension. What resonated deeply were the long, toiling hours her father invested at work, her mother’s enduring health battles and the constant juggling act to secure even the most basic necessities. There were moments when the family had to brave life without those essentials.
Sebastian’s earliest recollections are etched with the blaring sirens that punctuated the tough neighborhood where he and his mother resided in a modest, one-bedroom home. These memories date back to when he was just 2, a time when the environment he inhabited demanded resilience from him.
Olufemi’s family found solace and a sense of belonging at Rancho Verde Village in Rancho Cucamonga. Here, she discovered a haven of comfort and support within the community, especially through the after-school program. Received academic guidance but also found a listening ear whenever she needed it most.
Similarly, when Sebastian and his mother became residents at National CORE’s Villa Plumosa apartment community in Yorba Linda, they discovered not just a home but a sanctuary where tranquility, support and the promise of a brighter future awaited. At his new school, he absorbed the invaluable lesson that a college education was an attainable dream. In the nurturing environment of his community’s after-school program, he found the support necessary to transform that dream into a tangible reality.
Today, Olufemi stands as a beacon of hope and determination, a proud first-generation college student pursuing a dual path in literary journalism and psychology at UC Irvine. Her aspirations now revolve around a profound goal – to become a child psychologist, advocating for and aiding children and adolescents facing adversities similar to those she encountered.
Sebastian’s journey has led him to become a graduate of the University of Notre Dame, armed with a degree in computer science that he’s actively deploying as a software engineer for Apple, crafting technological innovations that shape our digital world.
Their stories illuminate the transformative power of stability, support and education provided by National CORE and Hope through Housing, underscoring the remarkable potential unlocked when communities invest in their residents’ well-being and dreams.