Across Southern California, Texas and Florida, Hope through Housing is transforming lives – helping children excel in school, working families expand financial literacy and seniors lead healthy, active lives, Hope through Housing is there. And, just behind the...
Aliyah, an incoming freshman at Warren High School, carefully selected a brand-new backpack during one of Hope through Housing’s annual back-to school events, which aims to equip children in low-income communities with the tools to thrive. “This backpack saves my mom...
Charles, a Navy veteran who lives at Veterans Park in Pomona, is pursuing higher education with the help of a Building Bright Futures scholarship he received in June 2023. His wife, Alexa, takes part in financial empowerment workshops through Pathways to Economic...
For far too many children, the winter holidays often become a painful reminder of what they don’t have: Not enough clothes, not enough food and, definitely, no presents. This December, Hope through Housing and its community partners, stepped up to change that dynamic...
Meet Olufemi and Sebastian, two remarkable young adults whose lives have been profoundly impacted by the compassionate mission of National CORE and Hope through Housing – an endeavor dedicated to providing stable, affordable homes and vital resident services. In her...
Friends Jordan, 9, and Rayline, 10, giggled together as they browsed bookshelves beneath a canopy of bright green leaves “growing” from a decorative tree that is just one element of a sweeping community center makeover at National CORE’s Citrus Grove community in...