Delivering Hope in the Midst of a Crisis

The Hope through Housing Foundation was established as an independent nonprofit organization to develop and administer a broad range of charitable and educational programs for children, young adults, low-income and underprivileged families and the general public. At...

Giving Tuesday Gets Real for 2020

In 2012, Giving Tuesday was launched as a simple idea – to create a day that encourages people to do good. But in 2020, Giving Tuesday has an entirely new meaning. As the impact of COVID-19 continues to change our world, the needs of our community are all around us....

Finding the Silver Lining in a time of Social Distancing

For many of us, it wasn’t but a day or two sequestered at home before we were hearing kids repeatedly reminding us that they were bored. Or, as an adult, you also might be feeling a bit of that cabin fever or a sense of fear and uncertainty during this season. But...
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